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[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyJue Mayo 02, 2013 4:35 am por ravalbuena777

» Amigo Hilario
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyJue Mayo 02, 2013 2:47 am por ravalbuena777

[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyMar Dic 06, 2011 3:58 pm por ermono

» Guia de Tower of the Dead (B1F) -
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyMiér Ene 05, 2011 6:52 am por dexzz

» Como Donar.
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyLun Dic 20, 2010 12:49 pm por robert150

» Ayudaaaa!!!
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyMar Nov 23, 2010 12:16 pm por marcos25

» problemas con el hamachi
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyLun Nov 08, 2010 5:54 pm por miguel ennrique montiel

» Como registrarte
[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptySáb Sep 18, 2010 7:48 pm por vestia

[Guia rapida] Force Blade EmptyJue Jul 08, 2010 1:42 pm por polister


[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por gabotamn Lun Dic 08, 2008 7:33 pm

El stat primario del Force Blader es: DEX

Pero debe de aver un balance ya que el FB usa magia ¿que se hace aqui?

Bueno es facil subes tus pungos a str y int, solo trata de mantener a DEX como con 50 o 70 puntos mas que los demas es todo..

Para no hacer miss nunca, haz combos. Si quieres menos miss, tendrías que escoger el upgrade de Attack Rate, pero no es tan útil, el combo es lo mejor y tendrás que usarlo siempre hasta nivel 150 e incluso cuando lo seas.

Los Upgrade Mas Recomendados son:

-Vital mastery.
-Defensive Sense O reflex (depende si les gusta mas tener evasion o def, personalmente prefiero evasion pero Def usando armadura heavy/tera 2 slot va muy bien)
-Damage Absorb.
-Sixth Sense.
-Offensive Sense.
-Impact Control.

Y sobre el 1er BM, gente, tienen en sus manos el mejor y mas letal BM del juego usado de la manera correcta.

Los buffs del BM, se corresponden a sus respectivos elementos en ataque (ej : Aqua cannon-Aqua vitality)

Los cannons a tener para el correcto uso de este battlemode serian

-Stone cannon (se corresponde con earth guard)
-Aqua Cannon (Se corresponde con Aqua Vitality)
-Lightening Cannon (se Corresponde con Lightening Blade)
-Wind Cannon (Se corresponde con Wind movement)

Aca les dejo listados los stats de un FB 120+ (estimativo) usando Enchanter y esos cannons nivel 20

Attack 1000+
Def 900+
Def rate 3000+
Hp / Mp 3500+

Conocer un poco mas:

Force Blader

Pueden llegar a tener un def rate bastante alto.
Bien armado, los criticos suelen doler.
Mejores debuffs del juego, tanto activos (skills) como pasivos (al golpear un skill especifico se activan.

Defensa media.
Ataque medio a bajo.
Ciertos skills (como el a.master : "Force impact") tienen un casteo demasiado lento, causando perdida de tiempo en pvp.
Exp en juego : un FB 100+, te puedo decir que es un pj molesto MUY molesto, En pvp no era una gran maravilla, pero en PvM era bastante bueno, stun de 360º que duraba cerca de 5 segs mas el rate alto que tiene hacia que el pj se maneje bastante bien. (aparte que con cada ataque sumas un debuff, haciendo que los mobs pasen a ser equivalentes a bichos de menor nivel)
En PvP hacia lo suyo, molestaba debufeando haciendo que los otros pjs tengan mas facil el trabajo de matar a los enemigos.


Mensajes : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2008

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por nachosabino Sáb Ene 03, 2009 5:27 pm

The invention of Crystal and the birth of Force Archer have brought yet another
creation after Force Shielders. Since Force Bladers were formed almost at the
same time as Force Shielders, they shared many things in common. From the early
years of Nevareth, people have wished to use sword andmagic at the same time so
that they can cover both short- and long-range battles.

However, it was almost impossible before Force Archers and Force Shielders
appeared. But with their appearance, people were greatly encouraged to
study magic swordsman: Force Bladers.

At the beginning, Force Bladers were using a sword in one hand and a Force
controller in the other hand. Unlike defensive Force Shielders, Force Bladers
prioritize agility for precise attacks. With the same reason, they cannot
wear armor heavier than Battlesuit Set such as Armorsuit Set. Also for the
Force controller, they preferred to use "Orb" which
focuses ondestructive power more than Force control.

The research in Force Bladers obtained a fruitful result in establishing Agility Force Bladers, but it was not that satisfactory. Agility Force Blader's sword skills were not as strong as Bladers' skills, and their magic skills were not as powerful as Wizards' or Force Archers' skills. They were also unable to perform support magic spells unlike Force Shielders. They must find another way to improve their power. After long research, they realized that using sword and magic spells at the same time would compensate for the weakness. Then they created unique battle skills as known as "Magic Sword Skills". This is how Force Bladers, the Magic Swordsmen have been established.

Since Force Bladers must be equally skillful in fencing and magic, they try to keep balance their practice in physical strength and intelligence. Although there are not yet many Magic Sword Skills introduced, still Force Bladers can use joint sword and magic skills. Well-experienced Force Bladers are told to be able to combine every possible magic spell with their sword skills, and inflict more damage by mastering combining magic and sword skills. [Recommended Item]
Armour : Battle Set
Weapon : Katana + Orb
[Recommended Distribution of Abilities]
Katana + Orb : Strength 4, Intelligence 4, Dexterity 4

skill sword force blader(FB)

Flash Draw
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Slash a target with the force of the wind in one breath
Impact Stab
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
The most basic fencing skill for swordsmen
Force Stab
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Stab a target with a force enhanced sword
Fade step
Type Movement Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Quickly run further away from an enemy
Type Movement Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Increase one's movement speed for a short period of time
Force Slash
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Stab twice with added Force
Force brake
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Every time swings the sword forces get added more and more.
Illusion Step
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Multiple Stab with added force
Rising shot
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Swing a sword upward to make a target lose its balance
Soaring shot
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Cut down a target using a force enhanced sword
Dance of Ruin
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Jumps towards enemy to cause critical damage
Force Assault
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
While in dash, quickly stabs the enemy
Force Drive
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Casts dash on sword to attack enemy faster.
Round Cut
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Advanced Expert
Attack all of the enemies surrounding the caster at once
Infernal stigma
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Advanced Expert
Stomping opposing force by hell? stigma
Abyssal Crystal
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Master
Cast condensed negative force to enem
Force Impact
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Advanced Master
Using unstable force attcking enemy surroundings by massive explosion.
Infernal Impact
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Advanced Master
A manifestation of hell that is relentless towards your enemies


Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 09/11/2008

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por nachosabino Sáb Ene 03, 2009 5:28 pm

Magic Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
A basic long ranged magic spell that uses one's force
Terra Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
An arrow attack with the force of the earth
Aqua Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
An arrow attack with the force of the water
Wind Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Attack quickly using the force of the wind
Fire Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
An arrow attack with the force of the fire
Freezing Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
An arrow attack with the force of the ice
Lightning Arrow
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
An arrow attack with the force of the lightning
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Enables its user to naturally restore the HP even when in battle
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Cast magic on the Sword
Earth Guard
Type Ability Increase Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Using mother earth? force to strengthen the armor.
Fire blade
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Casts Fire on to the Sword
Magic Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Shoot one's concentrated force to an enemy
Stone Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
A magic spell that uses the force of the earth
Aqua Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
A basic magic spell that uses the force of the water
Wind Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Summon a spirit of the wind to attack a target
Fire Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Summon a spirit of fire to attack a target
Ice Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Summon a spirit of the crystal to attack a target
Lighting Blast
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Summon a spirit of lightning to attack a target
Magic Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Shoot a big mana spear to a target
Terra Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
A magic spell with the force of the earth that pierces a target
Aqua Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
A magic spell with the force of the water that pierces a target
Wind Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
A magic spell with the force of the wind that pierces a target
Fire Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Summon a fire spear to pierce a target
Freezing Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Summon an icy crystal spear to pierce a target
Lightning Lance
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Summon a lightning spear to pierce a target
Guard Brake
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Weakens enemies defense ability
Ice blade
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Casts ice on the Sword
Type Ability Decrease Required Skill Rank Regular
Weakens opponent? Attack Level
Wind Movement
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Using force of air strengthen ability of Attack and Defense
Lower Defense
Type Debuff Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Weakens opponents Defense ability
Aqua Vitality
Type Ability Increase Required Skill Rank Expert
using force from water to increase health and mana? regeneration.
Lightning blade
Type Buff Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Casts lightning on swords
Magic Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Create a spear using one's mana to attack a target
Stone Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Strike a target with the force of the earth
Aqua Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Strike a target with the force of the water
Wind Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Create a whirlwind to strike an enemy
Fire Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
A superior magic spell that uses the force of the flame
Crystal Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
A superior magic spell of the ice
Lightning Cannon
Type Attack Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Deliver a powerful attack to an enemy with the force of lightning
Type Ability Decrease Required Skill Rank Advanced Expert
Weakens opponents Level.

skill magic forceblader(FB)


Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 09/11/2008

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por nachosabino Sáb Ene 03, 2009 5:29 pm

skill upgrade
Vitality Mastery
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Increase the amount of one's maximum HP by physical training
Mana Mastery
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Novice
Increase the amount of one's maximum Mana through spiritual meditation
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Enables its user to increase the defense rank
Sharp eyes
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
Enables its user to increase the attack rank
Offensive Sense
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Increase one's attack strength by practicing the sense of attack
Defensive Sense
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Increase one's defense by practicing the sense of defense
Force Control
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Increase magic attack strength by practicing force
Change Force (Sword to Magic)
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Transfer sword skill experience points to magic skill points
Change Force (Magic to Sword)
Type Upgrade Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Transfer magic skill experience points to sword skill points


Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 09/11/2008

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por nachosabino Sáb Ene 03, 2009 5:29 pm

A Swordsman whose Blade Flares with the Force

Force Blader

The invention of Crystal and the birth of Force Archer have brought yet another
creation after Force Shielders. Since Force Bladers were formed almost at the
same time as Force Shielders, they shared many things in common. From the early
years of Nevareth, people have wished to use sword andmagic at the same time so
that they can cover both short- and long-range battles.

However, it was almost impossible before Force Archers and Force Shielders
appeared. But with their appearance, people were greatly encouraged to
study magic swordsman: Force Bladers.

At the beginning, Force Bladers were using a sword in one hand and a Force
controller in the other hand. Unlike defensive Force Shielders, Force Bladers
prioritize agility for precise attacks. With the same reason, they cannot
wear armor heavier than Battlesuit Set such as Armorsuit Set. Also for the
Force controller, they preferred to use "Orb" which
focuses ondestructive power more than Force control.

The research in Force Bladers obtained a fruitful result in establishing Agility Force Bladers, but it was not that satisfactory. Agility Force Blader's sword skills were not as strong as Bladers' skills, and their magic skills were not as powerful as Wizards' or Force Archers' skills. They were also unable to perform support magic spells unlike Force Shielders. They must find another way to improve their power. After long research, they realized that using sword and magic spells at the same time would compensate for the weakness. Then they created unique battle skills as known as "Magic Sword Skills". This is how Force Bladers, the Magic Swordsmen have been established.

Since Force Bladers must be equally skillful in fencing and magic, they try to keep balance their practice in physical strength and intelligence. Although there are not yet many Magic Sword Skills introduced, still Force Bladers can use joint sword and magic skills. Well-experienced Force Bladers are told to be able to combine every possible magic spell with their sword skills, and inflict more damage by mastering combining magic and sword skills. [Recommended Item]
Armour : Battle Set
Weapon : Katana + Orb
[Recommended Distribution of Abilities]
Katana + Orb : Strength 4, Intelligence 4, Dexterity 4

Combo Start
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Apprentice
A combo battle mode that enables its user to repeatedly hit opponent
Battle Aura
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Regular
Visualize an aura using one's spiritual force
Force Enchanter
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Expert
Cast extra force to the blade
Blader Shooter
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Master
useing astral charger to create a beam to attact enemy.
Freezematic Blade
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Master
Using 7 elements force to cause critical damage
Astral Bike
Type Special Skill Required Skill Rank Completer
Summon an Astral Bike


Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 09/11/2008

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

Mensaje por agustinmilena Miér Feb 18, 2009 7:01 am

por q esta en ingles???

buen post pero no entiendo por q en ingles,...


Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 17/02/2009

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[Guia rapida] Force Blade Empty Re: [Guia rapida] Force Blade

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